Fluke Calibration released the 8588A Reference Multimeter and 8558A 8.5 Digit Multimeter jointly, and needed a campaign to promote their new products. Initially, when the request came to Creative Services it was unclear that these two products were related, and that marketing wanted to feature both products in a single campaign. My teammate and I had already created two separate web banners with distinct looks, because the requests came in separately.
Once we understood marketing’s objective, I took the lead on this campaign and had to integrate the two approaches. Fortunately, marketing specifically requested that we somehow differentiate the products, because the product designs were nearly identically. Marketing wanted to show how the 8558A was meant for calibration on the manufacturing floor (lower end), while the 8588A was meant for calibration in the labs (higher end).
8558A Internal Web Banner
8588A Internal Web Banner
8558A/8588A Trade Show Table Sign
8588A Reference Multimeter
- Designed for calibration and metrology laboratories
- Higher end model
8558A 8.5 Digit Multimeter
- Designed for automated systems and manufacturing test environments
- Lower end model
Marketing’s Objective
- Create a similar look/feel while differentiating the products
Initial concepts
Visual theme concepts prior to knowing products were related and would be in the same campaign.
8558A Concept
8588A Concept
Strategy and Solution
- Create complementary child themes through color, but keep themes distinct through visual elements
- Aqua blue, green and black used to unify theme
- Softer gradient styles used to unify theme
- Different gradient background differentiates products
In order to accomplish marketing’s similar-yet-different request within a single campaign, we would use color to unify the campaign’s overall look. To create the differentiation, we would use different graphic elements.
I chose an aqua blue and green, inspired by the products interactive display and lighting, against a black background to provide contrast. I thought these colors were also fitting for a “New technology” theme which I combined with a simple gradient line to create a horizon line effect, suggesting that these products were a new horizon in the calibration and metrology field.
My teammate adjusted his initial concept for the 8588A to better match what I had come up with for the 8558A. In this way, both the color palette and styles were more consistent, even though the imagery itself was quite distinct.
8588A Full Page Ad
8558A Web Page
8588A Web Page
Even finding out after-the-fact about marketing’s objective for this campaign, I was able to bring the assets to together and unify them with a consistent visual theme, that still showed enough distinction between the two product models. This look was applied to the remaining print and digital assets.
8558A Trade Show Pull Screen Banner
8588A Trade Show Pull Screen Banner